Saturday, December 22, 2007

Why did I vote for President Bush?

Did you know.......

President Bush has not yet pardoned the border patrol agents who have been mistreated by the justice system. click here for info

President Bush is expected to sign the Omnibus Spending Bill which will jeopardize boarder security and prevent us from building a much needed boarder fence? click here for info

In addition, President Bush knows that the omnibus spending bill also earmarks 10 million dollars to pay lawyers to defend illegal immigrants in America.

President Bush has done nothing about our gas situation, and he has done nothing to bring our men home from Iraq.

Just when you thought it couldn't get worse, America is about to give Mexico $1 Billion dollars to help them grow weed......ERRRRRR.... I mean to fight against drug smugglers.

As early as I can remember watching TV, every movie about Mexico has shown the mexican government as being dishonest and on the drug smugglers payroll. WHY ARE WE GIVING THEM MONEY!!!!How can we allow this to go on.

As an American citizen I can't even imaging a way to stop this.

I voted for George Bush twice. The first term he did everything alright. So I voted for him again. Since then he hasn't done anything right for Americans. In fact, he has done more for other countries then our own.

President Bush hasn't done anything in the Middle East to help the gas situation. That's no surprise, since the Bush family is up to their necks in the oil industry.

President Bush can't stop giving Mexico money and can't stop protecting the illegal Mexican immigrants.

So remind me again. Why did I voted for George Bush.

Unfortunately, I can't take it back and I sure am not looking forward to what lies ahead in the next election.

What can we do about this now????

1 comment:

B-Blogit said...

Only you can say why you voted for him. The fact is that he has kept us safe from terrorist since September 11th.
More people die by gun shots in Washington DC the city annual than soldiers have died in Iraq. Just because he is the president doesnt me that roadside bombs are his fault. Any president would have roadside bombs going off on soldiers.
The price of gas is governed by supply and demand. Oil is a fossil fuel you know and so the price will go up as the supply goes down. Plus any increase of taxes on the energy companies to give back to us will increase the price of Gas. So Bush has left it alone which is wise. Anyone who messes with the supply and demand can damage the economy since fuel is a big part of the economy.
As for the immigration issue I am not familiar with it so I cant comment on that.