Here I am recovering from 4th of July. My shoulders are burnt from the sun, my son's chin got burned slightly due to a stray hot cherry from a sparkler, my street looks like a war zone.
In lovely Buena Park, CA they outlawed any and all fireworks and that really pissed people off. I thought it was great. This way I didn't have to worry about my house burning down because of some punk kids misusing the fireworks.
then people signed a pettition and the fireworks were allowed again. Friggen lovely. So Now we are back to worrying. I am over a friends house when I see smoke billowing up from a house on the next block. I know this is not a firework. It was pure thick black smoke and it was huge.
I drive over to the next street and thank god there were people already there putting the fire our. A firework landed in the back yard and fire started in a pile of plastic and wood.
So now we put the fire out and we are driving home. I must have seen 400 illegal fireworks shooting up into the air from all streets in all direction. Not just bottle rockets. I mean exploding in many different colors.
Then I get home and there are tons of people I don't know on our street because their town doesn't allow them to set off fireworks. Now people are lighting fireworks and tying them to ballons and letting these burning flames fly over homes.
There must have been 1000 illegal fireworks by our house. Any way you look you saw the sky exploding. It sounded like Iraq.
the noise didn't stop until about midnight. While everyone was asleep a fire was burning in the city of valencia. Right next to Six Flaggs Magic Mountain. I hope all is all right this morning.
To top off the whole miserable night I come to find out Barry White passed away yesterday. May he rest in peace.
See you soon, Barry.
Saturday, July 05, 2003
It's illegal. No. It's legal, but it's still illegal!
Posted by
Jack Scalfani
9:06 AM
Thursday, July 03, 2003
Yahoo! News - GOP Files Challenge to Tripling of Car Tax
you have to love good old Gray Davis. One reason why I hate California is because of him. The other reason is because the people here were stupid enough to re-elect him after our outragous electricity fiasco.
He is now trying to triple our car tax. Thank god my wife and I paid ours. Ha Ha. You big rat.
Let's hope our recall efforts work and we knock that useless politician out of office. Of course, what politician is usefull?
I kind of hope Arnold Shwartzenegger (sp?) gets the position. I would love to see him blow up a few things around here.
Posted by
Jack Scalfani
6:23 AM
Tuesday, July 01, 2003
boy it just gets better. Today I closed my merchant account for my website. My merchant acct. company tells me that there is a penalty for closing the acct. Lovely. A mystery charge.
Well they have already withdrawn the $300 out of my Wells Fargo acct.
Now I call Wells Fargo and I tell them that I never gave the merchant company permission to take $300 from my acct. Wells Fargo said there is nothing they can do and I have to go get the money myself. Friggen Beautiful.
Here is another company that doesn't do their job correctly. Now I have to do their job.
Have you ever noticed that when it comes to the medical industry you have to do all their jobs for them just to get something accomplished? It's like my responsibility to get the doctor paid. I don't care if the dr. get's paid, but if I don't push the insurance to pay then they will hound me in collections and destroy my credit. So I will have to spend the next 100 hours getting the dr. paid by the insurance company because Blue Cross or Blue Shield or whomever isn't doing their job.
Why is it that I am the only person who can lose my job if I don't do it correctly. I go to Mcdonald's and never get what I want.
I see another basketball player just beat his wife and tested positive for 20 different drugs. Then he renegotiates for another $100 million.
Why is it that the carwash people can never remember to squirt the new car smell into my car. Especially since I paid for it.
Why is it that only half the people who say they will call you back ever call you back and only 5% of the people who said they would come to your party really show up.
Why do people pull out of a gas station at 50 mph just to get out before traffic blocks them in and then they cruise at a whopping 20 mph once they are out in front of you.
How come handicapped people drive better cars than I do and walk twice as fast as I do.
Why do I pay a fee on my phone bill that helps pay other people's phone bills. When does everyone pay my bill.
How come there are more hispanics in california then whites and yet they are still called minorities. When do the whites get minority benefits. When will there be the white college fund or the white grammy awards, or even white entertainment television. Oh that's right, everyone can do that, but white people. silly me.
I am having a hell of a time with my small business. I need a low rate minority loan. In fact, imagine I am indian and give me money for no particular reason other than I am pretending to be indian. I also want to take that money you gave me for pretending to be indian and I will build a pretend casino that will take more of your money. :-)
whew! I am tired. let's continue this rant later.
Posted by
Jack Scalfani
7:16 PM
I now remember why I started this blog. it's to rant about stupid things like SEARS!
I go to SEARS to return something that I bought online and they tell me I have to mail it to them. They said I can't walk into the store and return the item.
thanks. I love to waste more money mailing clothing back. I told the lady that I hate SEARS. They are overpriced, uncooperative, good for nothing other than craftsman, piece of SH*T store.
Now I only go to SEARS for screwdrivers. DAMN I hate when people don't care about customer service. FRY SEARS, FRY!
By the way, what ever happened to ROEBUCK? He probably was pissed off that he couldn't return his own merch to his own store and just quite the company.
Posted by
Jack Scalfani
2:58 PM
spoke to a friend from Bible study. This person was in need of advice regarding her family. I gave advise that wasn't really according to the Bible, but it seems like the right thing to do.
It's very difficult when you give life changing advice. I better go slow with her and not push her in any direction. I will give her pros and cons on each way she can go.
boy, I better pray on this one!!!
Posted by
Jack Scalfani
12:12 AM
I sent out a link to my new blogging site and my good friend Billy writes me.
Billy and I were DJs at 94.3 the BEE in Redding, CA. He is an amazing person. I could talk with him for hours.
Anyway, he has said that he wants help marketing his own line of products. Boy, that was a compliment. Him asking me.
I hope he serious. I can't stand talkers. Nothing is worse then talking about doing something and not doing it. What a waste of time. You have no idea how many people do this.
Billy has never been a talker, so I have nothing to worry about with him. Great guy.
Posted by
Jack Scalfani
12:08 AM
Monday, June 30, 2003
so I call my friend at the hospital. The line rings then starts playing a promo about donating blood. I have no interest in hearing it so I dial the hospital room number.
Guess what?! Still the commercial continues to play in my ear. So now I am pounding my "0" for an operation. Not one friggin key works until I suffer through this stupid commercial. I would not donate blood to cedar sinai if buckets of blood were gooshing out my left ear.
This is almost as annoying as paying $8.00 for a movie and having to see commercials. How much will it cost to NOT SEE COMMERCIALS!!!
It's all painful.
Posted by
Jack Scalfani
12:33 PM
I am following up with a Patio and Fireplace store. I would like them to carry our sauces at their location.
So I spoke to the female dog that owns the place and she said she tasted the sauce and it taste like all the hundered of other sauces on the market.
So I asked her a second time, "Did you taste our sauce". She said yeah and she wasn't impressed. I was very hurt and I think she is a liar.
I could have put bird crap in the sauce and she would have said,"it tast like all the rest". Boy she was rude and just wanted to pea on my parade.
I told her that out of the hundreds of people we have had try it, and out of the 13 shops we are in, and out of all the corporate restaurant chains that have tried it, NOT ONE SAID IT TASTE LIKE ALL THE HUNDREDS OF SAUCES OUT THERE.
So I finally calmed down and realized the reason it tasted like all the others. SHE FORGOT TO SHAVE THE HAIR OFF HER TONGUE!!!!
I told her before I hung up that she was going to be a fun person to blog. She didn't get it and then hung up. :-)
Posted by
Jack Scalfani
11:37 AM
Sunday, June 29, 2003
check this link out Yahoo! News - Top Stories
Who would be stupid enough to enter this structure. I am figuring there was about 40 people partying here. Maybe more.
They were probably on the top balcony (if you call that a balcony) and one of the 12 dropped the crack pipe. they all dove for it and there ya go! BOOM!
by the way, why does every city look old except cities in California. I have seen Pittsburgh, Detroit, Chicago, New York, and Dallas and the places people live look old. I live here in California and we look like we just built everything. How weird is that.
Posted by
Jack Scalfani
2:47 PM
So Here I am looking on the web for BBQ sauce contests.
I spoke to my mom (who is my partner in our BBQ sauce company) and she is up for entering our sauce in this contest called the Scovie Awards.
I can also enter the American Royal's BBQ contest and I can also become a member of the National Association of Barbecue and get a whole book of great contacts.
I have just looked on NAB's website and I don't need to become a member. They list all their memebers on the website so I can get my contacts from them. How cool it is to save $150. hahahaha.
I am not sure how winning will help us. I have never heard of any of the past winners, so obviously it was useless for them to win. whatever! we will enter the Scovie Award contest anyway. What's 75 bucks? :-)
Oh, by the way, I hate Gov. Gray Davis. I just saw another recall pettition sheet at Target today. I should have signed it again. Like they are going to check.
Posted by
Jack Scalfani
12:54 PM
Saturday, June 28, 2003
let me tell you a little about myself. For those of you who don't know anything about me.
I run two start up companies. one is GiveMe Foods GiveMe Foods and one is GiveMe Entertainment.
GiveMe Entertainment is my true job. I am an entertainment manager. I manage singers, songwriters, screenwriters, composers, etc. The clients I represent are very talented and very promising. I just need to be patient and the will be big someday. :-) Hopefully in my lifetime.
GiveMe Foods is my hobby. I market my own BBQ, Teriyaki, and Hot BBQ sauce. It's becoming very successful and is doing better than my other company. Ha! who would have thought.
I have an awesome wife who works two jobs to support my sorry ass. She is kind of like putting me through medical school. And to answer your questions, NO! I have no plans on leaving her after I make it big. That is totally screwed and against my christian beliefs.
Now you know I am christian and love my beliefs. I go to a cool church and I love Christian Rock music.
I love to play video games especially first person shooters and RPGs.
I think the record industry sucks and deserves everything it deserves.
I think satellite radio is the next big thing. XMSR and SIRI are the two companies to invest in.
I think California is a horrible state and I want to live somewhere where the people aren't taken advantage of.
I think everyone should vote under there own SS# and stop with the electoral votes which isn't a true count. Each vote should count as one vote. PERIOD.
I think twinkies have gotten smaller.
I think gas stations should be regulated.
I think it should be free NOT to be listed in the phone book.
I think handling fees for concert tickets is the slimiest fees in the world.
I think the best thing to happen for the general public is the "do not call list" the federal gov't set up. Finally we get something back.
I think buying your wife a mothers day card is stupid even though I do it. My wife would be crushed if I didn't.
I think reality shows bite the big one. They are for mindless, miserable, non-motivated people.
I think ink cartriges are way over priced and that is why I buy generic EPSON cartridges for $3 each. Go to
I think it's amazing that Bob Hope is still alive.
I hate when people forward me jokes, wonderful thoughts, urban legend e-mails.
I hate when people forward me jokes, wonderful thoughts, urban legend e-mails after I HAVE TOLD THEM TO PLEASE STOP.
I hate spam and it should be outlawed. Not just some of it, but all of it. My penis is fine, my erection is fine, and I don't own a home to morgage. Well, that pretty much answers all my spam e-mails.
I hate watching the news. It's always bad and I just can't cry for everyone who dies each day. I have to save my tears for the ones I love.
that's enough for now. Boy, I love this. No one may read this but I sure feel better. Now I don't need a radio show to rant!!!
Posted by
Jack Scalfani
11:10 PM
Day 1 of blogging. Not bad so far. A little lost, but I think I can do this. I have so much I want to tell myself. :-) hahaha.
I feel like I am talking in an empty room.
This blog is going to be dedicated to all my complaints. Every stupid thing anyone does. Things that bother me and any other ignorant act that I witness.
Welcome to my Blog soapbox.
Posted by
Jack Scalfani
10:26 PM