Monday, February 04, 2008

What needs to change in this country.

When are we going to stop the archaic forms of politics in the United States.

How about no Republican or Democrat parties. The lines are blurred anyway. Some say John McCain is a Democrat in Republican clothing. Some say Barack Obama has conservative values. Who cares about sides. Why not just vote for who you want.

How about no more electoral votes. Electoral votes were designed back in the Abraham Lincoln days when some people of the land couldn't travel to a voting place. THERE IS NO NEED FOR THIS ANYMORE. Everyone now has a horse and buggy and we all can make it to the voting booths. Every vote should count as one vote from now on. If they can track our votes for electoral voting, then they can keep track of our votes for President.

Here are a few things I would like to see the USA change:

1. Stop meddling in other countries affairs unless it DIRECTLY threatens us.

2. Stop giving money to other countries until we take care of our own deficit.

3. Make punishments fit the crime. I will not steal from my neighbor if it means 10 years hard labor. Murderers get three meals a day, a warm bed, clothing, TV, internet, books to read, paper to write on, basketball and weightlifting equipment, just to name a few luxuries. God help us when homeless people realize that they can have a better life by committing murder.

4. Teach parents in this country how to parent. Playstation 3 is not a babysitter. The parenting is at an all time low. If you don't believe me, just go to Hometown Buffet or Country Buffet and just look at the kids running around putting their fingers in the public food.

5. Clean up the High Schools immediately. If you don't want an education, Great! Get the Hell out, so the kids who do want to learn don't suffer. High Schools are just glorified jails.

6. Stop paying the Indians. How long are we going to pay for this country. We said we were sorry. Now move on. Once again, another archaic thing this country hangs on to.

7. Build a wall at all boarders. Have one entrance into the country at each state that touches the boarders. For example, California, Nevada, Texas, North Dakota, etc. would each monitor there own entrance into the country.

If I could find a candidate who cares about these issues, they will get my vote.

Otherwise it's just another four years of Saturday Night Live making fun of our president.

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