Monday, January 07, 2008

The top 3 things not to do on a blog

I have been reading a lot of blogs. Most are either too long, no pictures, or just plain self serving.

If you are thinking on doing a blog here are three things you should never do:

1. never do stuff like "The top 3 things......" or "The 10 best reasons...." or any countdown stuff like that. Everyone's doing them and it's a cop out. Yes it will get you on and yes it will get you on and you might make lots of money off it, but it's just not right.

2. never use the words "Critically Acclaimed" to describe you or your blog postings. These words are protected and solely used to discribe TV and Movies. The entertainment industry owns the rights to these words and unless your posting about a new critically acclaimed series on TV, don't use these words.
By the way, what does "Critically Acclaimed" really mean?

3. Lastly, don't ever tell people you have 3 things to write about when you only have two. It's better to just change the title of your blog to "The top 2 things not to do on a blog"

4. and NEVER EVER add more than what you say. you might lose the attention span of your reader.

Honestly though, if you want to have a successful blog there are only two things that truly make a blog successful. QUALITY and QUANTITY of your blog. You must write something worth reading and you must keep growing your blog. The more topics you post the higher the chance of popping up on Google. If the blog is good, the people will come.

Don't believe anything else you read. :-)

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