I haven't been more motivated by a video, than I have by the following video. Turn it up and be ready for your heart to beat out of your chest and your blood to run hot. It's very aggravating and true. Please post a comment after you read this.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Posted by
Jack Scalfani
8:33 PM
Labels: American, congress, failure, obama, patriotic, we the people
Friday, June 05, 2009
I had my van done in a car wrap by WrapOne.com. It wasn't a bad job. It's supposed to be warrantied for 3 years.
I was very pleased. So I decided to get a 10ft banner done for my BBQ sauce at the Orange County Market Place. The weird thing was, they changed their location. Okay. No problem. I hire them for my banner. I never really asked why. If their work is good, I don't care what they are called.
So I paid about $180 . Not bad either. Then the white spots started to show. There are bare spots showing on my banner. So I called Alex Perez and left a message. No call back. Then I called the next week. No call back. One more week I left I message and no call back. I finally got a hold of him today and he basically isn't going to fix it and says his warranty doesn't cover that.
WHAT DOES A WARRANTY COVER???? I told him that if he didn't stand behind his product, then I would be forced to let everyone know. He hung up on me. NICE!!!
Do not use WRAP ONE for any work. Their info is:
Wrap One
Alex Perez
1185 N Red Gum St
Anaheim, CA 92806
(714) 630-9727
Posted by
Jack Scalfani
12:08 PM
Labels: alex perez, ripoff, scam, wrap one, wrapone
Saturday, March 14, 2009
If you know about Digg.com then you probably use the site often for your latest news. For those of you who don't know Digg.com, your not missing out on the next revolution, so don't worry.
Digg.com allows users to submit stories from all over the internet and post them on Digg. Then Digg users all vote the story up or down. If the story gets enough votes up, then it can go the the front page of Digg.
Most stories never see the light of day, but if you do get your story on the front page then it will be read by thousands of people an hour. Most people try to get their own blogs or company website on Digg so they can get all that traffic. Digg is pretty good at preventing self promotion.
Now let's talk about what Digg has become. Digg has become overrun by 19 year old males that are vulgar, frustrated, and angry at the world. How do I know this? Well, let's see. Everyday this week there has been stories on the front page of Digg about legalizing marijuana. That's just a start.
Let me just show you what the top stories are right now. These stories below are front page stories. Let's talk about them briefly. Wow....Look!!! Legalizing pot story #5. What a shock!The top story on the above image only has 74 diggs. That story should never have reached the front page. Oh yeah, unless your one of the many 19 year olds that are "Gaming" the site.
"Gaming" a website is quickly getting all your network of friends to vote so that it gets the most movement to the front page. Or you can also set up dummy email accounts and act like different people then voting for yourself. The bottom line is that this site is manipulated just like any website the becomes popular on the web. It happened to Slashdot. Thankfully Digg came around to atract the rodents away from the true Geeks. The termites will find a good website and destroy it's usefullness. Watch out Twitter! Your next.
Look at the story about George Clooney's sweat flavored Tofu. I rest my case.
Digg.com has lost it's usefullness and has become so onesided in it's views due to the control that a certain demographic has been allowed to have.
Here is what Digg users believe: legalizing drugs is good, Obama is God, Bill Gates is the devil, Christians are all bad people and digg users wish they were dead, Walmart needs to be destroyed.
You may say I am being pretty generalized. I am not. I have read the above comments hundreds of times in a single week and I have been with Digg for about 2 years now. If you say anything against their beliefs they will Digg you down so fast your comment goes away.
It's pretty sad to see Kevin Rose's baby grow up to be so onesided. It used to be a great forum for all to discuss/debate topics. Now it's become an angry pit of kids who do nothing but vent their anger out on others. Not to mention, the headlines are giving "The Onion" a run for their money.
May Digg.com rest in peace.
Posted by
Jack Scalfani
9:29 AM
Labels: digg, rest in peace
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
We are definitely in a period of battles when it comes to the technology world. One of the problems is that this country is still living off of old laws and as technology grows, so should the laws. But they don't!
Ironically the top three items sold on the internet are also the three battles going on in the technology world. Music, Movies, and Books.
This is the most famous of the three. I run an artist management company and all my artists were doing well launching their careers. When Napster hit the scene at the turn of the century, my new artists couldn't even make a living off of CD sales. Music was being stolen by the billions. Since then, our company has chosen the path of Hollywood. Music definitely is not a good industry to be at this time.
Once the music reaches all time piracy levels, here comes the OLD gate keepers (RIAA) who are living by the OLD laws. They begin suing everyone. They strong armed ISPs for private information on users. They even sued innocent people who didn't even know how to turn on a computer. It was quite embarrassing.
If I buy a CD, am I allowed to have one copy as back up? Why can't I make many copies. I have not stolen anything. It's like a photograph. I can scan a photograph that I bough and send to all my friends with out any consequence. The moment I do that with music, forget it!
There is so much wrong with the music industry. WHY DO WE STILL PRODUCE ALBUMS. Now that everyone is on iTunes, why not just produce individual songs. I will tell you why. Because no one would by 9 out of 10 songs from an artist. Every CD I own has 3 good songs and 7 bad ones. The music industry is still run by 60 year old men who remember having lunch with Sinatra in the good old days. Technology will force that to change.
The only reason movies haven't been pirated as much as music is because of bandwidth. Why do you think your ISPs are going all "Big Brother" on us. We will soon be capped on how much we can download on the internet. Time Warner and Verizon are already doing it. You only get about 40 Gig a month. That's about one movie's worth in download terms, depending on the quality of the movie. If you want HD, forget it.
The day a movie comes out in theaters my sister can walk her street and buy a dvd copy for only $10. Can you believe that???? I won't tell you that she lives in New York, because she might get in trouble. Sometimes she can get them before they hit theaters. That's pretty bad.
My family stopped going to theaters years ago. I won't spend $50 for the family to see a movie, when in 4 months I can own the movie for $19.99. This year we stopped buying DVDs altogether. There is no reason to buy the movie for $19.99 when we just watch it once or twice. We could rent it twice for about $10. We have over 1000 dvds in our movie room and half are still in the wrapper. Once again technology will change the OLD ways. I predict DVDs will be gone in less than 5 years.
This fight just started today. Two days ago, Amazon's Kindle 2 came out with a feature that reads a book out loud for you. How cool is that. It was only cool for two days. Today the OLD gate keepers from the Authors Guild told Amazon that reading a book to people makes it an audio book and that is against copyright laws. I can't wait to see how this clash turns out.
Google was scanning all books for the worlds biggest online library. Oh no!!! Don't make books electronic. They can be copied as quickly as music, if not, even faster. It's just text.
All of these fights are about money, of course. OLD gate keepers who have been chosen to control the money for the big three industries are losing control. Their towers are crumbling by the hammer of technology. It's going to happen. Don't fight it, because Goliath will always lose in the public eye.
The next CLASH coming is patents. It's not here yet, but it's coming. Round #1: Apple vs. Google?
Posted by
Jack Scalfani
9:24 AM
Labels: books, clash, gate keepers, movies, music, technology
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Okay. To save time and space on this blog entry. I am going to tell you a readers digest version of what happened.
On 10/10/08 I woke up at 4:30am. Half my body had no feeling. The right side of my entire body had no feeling, whatsoever. It only lasted 20 minutes, but I went to the ER anyway just to be safe.
The ER spent 4 hours running tests and taking blood and they still didn't know why this happened to me. Great!! Now I am getting frustrated and want to go home.
They then try to give me two pills. One pill for my high blood pressure (I don't have high blood pressure. It was high because I was angry at the hospital's dragging feet on my diagnosis) and one pill for my stomach so it doesn't get upset over the blood pressure pill. As you can guess, I didn't take either.
They tell me that they are going to run 3 more tests today and they are going to admit me into the hospital. They also said that they will be moving me to a holding area until they can find me a bed. I might be there for a few hours until a bed opens up.
So they finally get me into a room around 4pm. I don't want to spend the night. That would mean being woken up every 3 hours to give blood, which by the way was not going to happen even if I did spend the night.
So I asked my doctors to review the tests before they went home for the day. I was hoping that I could possibly be released before the left the hospital. This way I could sleep in my own bed.
Thankfully everything checked out good and they released me that night around 6:30pm.
So here is the part that BUGS me. I get an ER bill for $100 from Los Alamitos Medical Center. My insurance states that if I go to ER I have to pay $100 dollars. But my insurance also says that if they admit me into the hospital that I don't have to pay anything.
So I tell them to remove the charge. They tell me three things to avoid admitting that they admitted me.
1. We didn't admit you.
2. We admitted you only for observation
3. You weren't there more than 24 hours
The beauty of this is that the more I fight this bill the more the reason for the charge changes. I don't care if it was less that 24 hours, only for observation or if the moon was blue that night. My insurance states if I am admitted then I don't pay.
As for good old Pacificare, they are useless in this situation. They are not even standing up for me. All they said was, "We paid our $20,000 already for your visit. Our part is done."
And Los Alamitos is still sticking to the three poor excuses above. So I must take matters into my own hands.
Two days ago I called Rene in the Administration office 714.826.6400 and basically told her to stop running this scam on people. I told her to fix the bill. I told her that if I was a millionaire and I was on my death bed, I still would not pay this bill of $100. She acted like she understood my frustration and said she knew what to do and would get back to me.
UPDATE 1/27/09
So I called Rene back and told her my problem hasn't gone away. She said that she would talk to someone and get back to me in a little while. As you can guess she never called back.
UPDATE 1/28/09
Hi, Rene. How come you NEVER called me back. She fed me this line of, "Oh, I was waiting for a return called from the CFO who I left a note for." Yeah, right!
UPDATE 1/29/09
Today I am beginning my life long relationship with Rene. I will call her every day for the rest of my life until she writes off the $100. I may even feel the love to call her twice or three times a day. When springtime gets here, my love may increase to every hour of the day. I sure hope she wants a new friend, because she just got one.
I will give you more updates on this hospital bill from hell as is develops.
UPDATE 1/29/09 part 2
I just called Rene. We are now old friends. I made her aware that I am blogging on this. She kind of laughed and asked me not to blog on this. I told her that about 1000 people are following this on my blog and can't wait to see how this turns out.
Rene said that the person I need to speak with is CFO David Vickers. He has yet to answer Rene on my situation so I left him a voice mail just now. Let's see how long it takes for David to call me back.
If you'd like to help me out, please call David Vickers at 714.826.6400 / hit 0 for the operator and ask for David Vickers office. If he's not there please leave a message asking him to fix my $100 bill and that I should not be paying for it. Thank you.
UPDATE: 1/30/09
I finally got a hold of David Vickers. He still states that it's not an admittance to the hospital and there is nothing he can do. He said he has the explanation from Pacificare that shows that if it's just for observation then the $100 is my responsibility.
I have seen the paperwork and there is no part that I have seen that says that. So I asked David to provide a copy of what he saw. Well, here replied to me that they were unable to obtain this because they are not the insured.
WOW. I am back to square one.
The doctor wrote out patient ER visit on the paperwork.
Los Alamitos says that they are not associated with the doctors and so they can't so anything about what the dr. wrote.
Pacificare won't pay the $100 because they say the paperwork says "outpatient ER visit".
So my next step is the Dr. I can't believe this. I AM NOT PAYING THIS BILL!!!!
UPDATE 2/7/09
Since Pacificare isn't going to do anything because the hospital lied and put down outpatient, and since The hospital isn't going to change their wording, I filed a formal complaint with my insurance and I filed for an appeal. I explained that the hospital is lying and I want an investigation. This will take 30 days. I will update you all once I have an answer. If that doesn't work and I still have to pay it, I am going to ...... NOT PAY!!!
UPDATE 3/15/09
Okay. My own friggen insurance wouldn't help me fight this. I am so glad I will be leaving Pacificare soon. They should change their name to Wedon'tcare. I consulted with my lawyer and he just laughed. He said, "Jack. I am glad you have that much fight in you and I appreciate you standing up for what is right. Now pay the damn bill!" So I did.
When your lawyer won't even charge you, you know it's a lost cause. I live to fight another fight!
Posted by
Jack Scalfani
7:35 AM
Labels: bill, hell, hospital, los alamitos